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may, 2024


RE Curriculum

Our Subject Leaders for R.E.:  Mrs K Barlow

Curriculum Statement

At Victoria Road Primary, Religious Education (RE) is an enquiry-based curriculum that enables pupils to consider the deeper meaning of their life experiences and how this helps them give purpose to their lives. It will provide opportunities for pupils to explore and respond to the meanings of experiences in relation to their beliefs and the beliefs of others.


RE will provide children with knowledge of Christianity and all other principal religions in the UK and develop skills in SMSC that they will use in life. RE will be progressive throughout the school in knowledge and skills. RE will develop transferable skills in debate, critical thinking, and knowledge of the fundamentals of British Values (Tolerance, individual liberty, mutual respect). RE will challenge all pupils in knowledge and skills. Teaching of RE will be enhanced by visitors, trips and have purpose and depth.


We will use the SACRE and Halton chosen syllabus (Lancashire) effectively throughout school which will ensure that there is key progression across phases in  both knowledge and enquiry skills. Children will learn about the principal religions and non -religions in the UK, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and Judaism.  Through creative teaching and learning opportunities, children will be challenged. Staff will use the progression maps to plan lessons that challenge all learners and ensure that children are building on their prior learning thus deepening their knowledge and understanding and developing their skills. British Values and SMSC will be linked to RE sessions where they can, and a holistic approach will be developed.


The teaching of RE will meet the expectations of the National Curriculum and agreed syllabus. Children will be challenged and will use their prior learning as they progress throughout the school. They will question theirs and others’ beliefs in a respectful way and make decisions on ultimate questions like: Why do bad things happen? Or, How is life like a journey? Teaching and learning will be progressive, meeting the curriculum intent for our school. Teachers and children will enjoy their RE lessons. Children will use transferable knowledge and skills including enquiry skills from RE in other areas of the curriculum. RE will give all learners the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and meet each individual’s needs. They will develop empathy and understanding needed to be a citizen in the modern world.

Religious Education

“Religions are different roads converging to the same point”
