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may, 2024


English Curriculum

Curriculum Statement

We believe that a secure basis in literacy skills is crucial to a high quality education and this will give our children the tools they need to participate fully as members of society. Children at Victoria Road will leave school with the ability to access learning throughout their life. They will be able to read, write, express themselves through speech and understand the structure of language. In addition to this, we hope to build a love of literature, a love of story and inspire our children to read and write for enjoyment.


At Victoria Road Primary School, we believe that a quality English curriculum should instil in children a love of reading, writing, speaking and listening that will last a lifetime and enable them to make effective contributions to society. Our rigorous and well-structured English curriculum provides many purposeful opportunities for reading, writing and discussion across all areas of the curriculum.  We aim to ensure that all of our children are giving the learning opportunities to achieve their full potential in all areas of English. Giving children key skills in English enables them to access material in all curriculum areas and provides a foundation for their learning throughout their time in school. 


Our English curriculum is designed to expose children to a range of high-quality texts. This, we believe, ensures that children develop a love of reading throughout a range of genres and develop a secure knowledge-base in English. The National Curriculum objectives for each year group are followed and this ensures progression in all key areas of English. Rigorous assessment and review will ensure that we are able to provide targeted support so that all children experience success in English.


Early reading is supported through the ‘success for all’ scheme. Regular training sessions ensure that staff are equipped to teach with the expertise and skills required to promote excellent progress as well as a love of reading. In KS2, once children have completed their phonics programme, they develop deeper reading skills through discreet reading lessons. Each class visit our school library and this provides them with reading material which promotes reading for enjoyment. Our core text approach to writing places reading as base of our curriculum. Our spine is carefully designed to assure that children are reading a range of genre that is suitable to the needs of their age group. To ensure this progression, we have based our reading spine on ‘The Five Plagues of the Developing Reader’ from ‘Reading Reconsidered’ by Doug Lemov. As a school who prioritise the love of reading, children have access to many reading opportunities throughout the school year such as competitions and author visits.


When planning writing lessons, teachers follow the ‘Literacy Curriculum’ units. This scheme sequences lessons to enable children to build progressively towards an extended piece of writing. Each teaching unit focuses on fiction, non-fiction or poetry and embeds key skills in comprehension, grammar and writing. Handwriting is also taught weekly to promote a high level of pride and presentation across all written outcomes.


Assessment for learning is embedded in English lessons and children are active in reviewing the success in their work and identifying, with support from staff, target areas for development. Giving the children the opportunity to reflect upon their writing ensures a continuous and individualised approach to improving their work.


Children at Victoria Road Primary school will have a passion and enjoyment in reading and writing across all areas of the curriculum. They are able to use language to communicate their ideas, views and feelings with confidence.

Outcomes of work in both English and cross-curricular books are of excellent quality and evidence the opportunities of children being given the opportunity to write across the curriculum.

Children will achieve highly in the phonics screening check and at the end of the EYFS. Attainment at the end of KS1 and KS2 will be above that of Halton and the National Average.

Upon leaving Victoria Road Primary School, children will be equipped with the passion, skills, knowledge and understanding to confidently continue with their English learning journey.

“There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story, you never quite know where they will take you.”

Beatrix Potter