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Victoria Road,

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01928 574644

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may, 2024


PE Curriculum


Curriculum Statement

At Victoria Road Primary School, we aim to provide a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities.

Our curriculum is inclusive and a wide range of sports have been selected to meet the needs of all abilities and school facilities.

We provide children with a well-thought through curriculum using

Getset4PE and an experienced coach. Lessons are carefully planned and sequenced to ensure knowledge and skills are progressive and embedded throughout each year group and that children are ready for their next stage of learning. We want children to be able to use the skills and tactics that they have been taught across a range of sports and make connections.

We aim to provide a curriculum that inspires a love for sport and life-long learning. We want children to love P.E. lessons and know how to look after their own body through exercise and being active. Through P.E. at

Victoria Road, we want children to know the benefits of being active on their mental health.


At Victoria Road Primary School, we aim to provide a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. Our curriculum is inclusive and a wide range of sports have been selected to meet the needs of all abilities and school facilities.

We aim to provide children with a well-thought through curriculum that has been carefully planned and sequenced to ensure knowledge and skills are progressive and embedded throughout each year group and that children are ready for their next stage of learning. We want children to be able to use the skills and tactics that they have been taught across a range of sports and make connections.

We aim to provide a curriculum that inspires a love for sport and life-long learning. We want children to love P.E. lessons and know how to look after their own body through exercise and being active. Through P.E. at Victoria Road, we want children to know the benefits of being active on their mental health.


We deliver our P.E. lessons across two sessions throughout the school week. We use Get Set 4 P.E. – alongside our knowledge and skill end points for each year – to plan lessons that meet the needs of the pupils in our school and the Primary National Curriculum. In addition to this, we have a high-quality sports coach that we use in order to upskill staff and provide the best quality curriculum for the children at our school.

Lessons structures ensure that warm ups and cool downs happen and that children understand the importance of these. Teachers use a range of strategies to ensure that children are supported and challenged and that lessons use a mastery approach to enable accessibility for all children.

Children are also encouraged to be active at lunch times and where possible, equipment is provided for children. Play leaders are also selected in Year 5 and 6 to support younger children in being active on the school playground.

Opportunities are also provided for children throughout the academic year to participate in intra events such as Handball Competitions, Multi-skills days and Sports Day. We also participate in the School Games inter school sports events, which encourage healthy competition and help children to build resilience and perseverance.


Our children will be more active, engaged with sports, physically-confident and knowledgeable in a range of sports. They will be skilful and able to problem solve and work tactically.  Because of this, children will be physically confident and live a long and healthy life.

Children will leave being able to work in a team and have great sportsmanship. They will be ready for their next stage in learning and have knowledge of a range of sports and skills moving forward. Children will not be afraid to try new things and have leadership skills that they can utilise in a range of different situations, not just physical education.

Ultimately, our children will leave Victoria Road with a love of sport and will be responsible for their own health and fitness which will impact positively on their overall wellbeing.


“The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t win’ is you and you don’t have to listen”

Jessica Ennis-Hill